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WCBA By-law Changes

Please see the below by-law changes.

The committee have decided that SMBC will only wear black compression gear. Please see the website for pictures of acceptable compression gear. (3) COMPRESSION GEAR & UNDERGARMENTS The WCBA will allow players to wear compression gear Any compression item must be black, white or same dominant color of playing singlet. If there is a logo or branding on the item, it must not be visible outside of the uniform or to be the same color as the item. Eg, black on black. The color choice will be decided by the player’s association to ensure that teams have uniformity if more than one player in a team is wearing compression gear. This means that if one player is wearing black compression gear, any other player in the team must also wear black in any compression gear worn.



Amended 060919

(4) Knee braces – if properly covered may be worn. A written application with a medical certificate (which MUST state which knee is injured) must be given to the Competition administrator for permission for the knee braces to be worn. The medical certificate must also be shown upon request and carried on them at all times. Medical certificates MUST have a start and end date on them. Full leg must not be worn. Knee pads cannot cover the THIGH or the CALF. Skins with KNEE PADS are BANNED. Amended-121018 (5) (1) Game points for incorrect shorts will be recorded by the Referees at the request of the opposing team and included on the electronic scoring system/scoresheet by the Referees as soon as it is requested and not after entering the last 3 minutes of the game. Five points will be deducted for every incorrect pair of shorts. This By Law will take effect after the 4th game. No points will be deducted for incorrect singlets. Players with incorrect singlets cannot play. Replacement singlets may be the same base colour

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